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The online newspaper of Canyon High School

The Eagle's Tale

The online newspaper of Canyon High School

The Eagle's Tale

The online newspaper of Canyon High School

The Eagle's Tale

Addie McCord

Addie McCord, Newspaper

Hieee! I’m Addie and I am a staff reporter for The Eagles Tale, this is your girl’s fourth year on staff. I know crazy, right? Outside of Mrs. Frausto’s classroom, I am heavily involved in theater where I participate in the All-School Musical, One Act Play, and am a current Drama Club officer. The arts have always been a big part of my life and it’s really fun to get to incorporate it into journalism. I love getting to be creative through photography, writing reviews about awesome movies, or making infographics. I hope to have an awesome last year on staff with Mrs. Frausto and to capture and write about all of your high school memories.

All content by Addie McCord
25 questions with senior Elle Garrison

25 questions with senior Elle Garrison

Addie McCord, Staff Reporter
February 21, 2025
Saturday school will begin tomorrow Nov. 2 on campus. Saturday school will also be available on Nov. 9, Nov. 16, Dec. 7 and Dec. 14.

Saturday day school will begin Nov. 2

Addie McCord, Staff Reporter
November 1, 2024
Junior Reegan Garcia cheers at Boss Bowl game. "When I helped out the family at Texas Rose, I remember my family was there for me, so if I can be there for them then that's the way to go."

Reegan Garcia

Addie McCord, Staff Reporter
October 4, 2024
Staff reporter, Addie McCord reviews the retelling of the classic Tina Fey movie, Mean Girls.

Addie’s Reviews: Mean Girls (2024)

Addie McCord, Staff Reporter
January 29, 2024

Addie’s Reviews: Halloween Candy

Addie McCord, Staff Reporter
November 1, 2023
Hope Squad aims to help students

Hope Squad aims to help students

Addie McCord, Staff Reporter
September 22, 2023
Soaring Pride Band March-A-Thon

Soaring Pride Band March-A-Thon

Addie McCord, Staff Reporter
August 30, 2023
Georgia Upshaw

Georgia Upshaw

Addie McCord, Staff Reporter
March 10, 2023
Braden Swanson

Braden Swanson

Addie McCord, Staff Reporter
January 20, 2023
Kallie Hartman

Kallie Hartman

Addie McCord, Staff Reporter
December 16, 2022
Eagle's Tale staff reporter, Addie McCord, shares her reviews on some of the most recent Christmas movie releases. Read the summaries and how to view each movie and see if you agree with her rating.

Holidays not so classics

Addie McCord, Staff Reporter
December 8, 2022
Math teacher Amanda Bell was named Canyon High School Teacher of the Year on Monday, Jan. 31. Other finalists include science teacher Hayden Blankenship and manufacturing teacher Chase Fulton. "Every single one of my kids has shown growth in class," Bell said. "That’s always been my goal: to help them grow and be confident in themselves."

(Media) Clear as a bell

Hannah Backus, Editor-in-Chief
March 3, 2022
Avery Brown

Avery Brown

Addie McCord, Staff Reporter
October 22, 2021
Picture day will take place Wednesday, Sept. 29 for freshmen, sophomores and juniors during their English classes. "You don’t have to dress up if you don’t want to,” yearbook editor Ashlyn Harvell said. "Just wear what you’re confident in and know that it’s going to be in the yearbook for a long time.”

Picture day to take place Wednesday

Addie McCord, Staff Reporter
September 27, 2021
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