Homecoming spirit week begins Sept. 24

Macy McClish

Student can participate in a variety of dress-up days during spirit week.

Claire Meyer, Editor-in-Chief

Homecoming week, Sept. 24- 28, will be highlighted with dress-up days throughout. Monday will be flannel day followed by beach party day on Tuesday, woke-up-like-this day on Wednesday, jersey day on Thursday and finishing with purple pride day Sept. 28. All costumes must be dress code compliant.

The homecoming parade will kick off Thursday night events Sept. 27 and begins at 5 p.m. at University Church of Christ. Groups participating in the parade include the band, Drama Club, Key Club and other organizations. The powderpuff game will follow at 7 p.m. on the CHS field, and the homecoming king will be crowned at halftime.

A pep rally on Sept. 28 in the large gym during activity period will prepare students for the homecoming football game against Borger in Kimbrough Memorial Stadium at 7 p.m., following the homecoming queen coronation at 6:30 p.m.