Local speech tournament raises awareness of human trafficking

The speech and debate team hosted a tournament for area schools Nov. 2. In addition to raising funds for the speech program, the tournament raised awareness and funds to help end human trafficking.

Speech teacher and coach Stefanie Suto began actively participating in the End It Movement with her students last spring. 

“This particular issue is an awareness issue,” Suto said. “The first thing we have to do is to educate people. Regardless of our comfort zones, we need to start talking about it.  I had a realization that I had to do something. My heart would ache when I thought about it.”

Suto said her students could utilize their communication skills to inform the public about human trafficking. The tournament incorporated the topic into speaking events, which spread knowledge of the issue to schools at the tournament.

 “Problems like this can always be researched,” senior Calvin Rueda said. “But that’s not nearly as fulfilling as going out and being active. A lot of people just assume the problem can’t be local.”

The team does a service project every year, but the students said that this year would have the greatest impact.

“At first End It was just a small project of ours,” junior Bella Barnett said. “Then it just grew into something bigger. We usually have a lot of money left, so I’m excited to see what we can donate.”

Suto said her favorite part of the End It Movement is her students’ involvement.

“I love when the kids see that they can impact the community in a way that’s positive,” Suto said. “The issue is somewhat ignored in our culture, so it’s incredibly exciting and empowering for all of us to see that this is something we can do. We can really make a change.”