Soundtrack, acting overcome plot problems in ‘Suicide Squad’
The movie “Suicide Squad” sprang from the comic and led to a novelization.
After months of advertising, endless rumors and more than a year of filming, “Suicide Squad” is finally here, and yet the film is receiving sub-par ratings from top film critics and some of DC Comics’ most devout fans.
The plot line is weak and often has more holes than Swiss cheese, but the incredible fight scenes make up for its mincemeat plot, while, the CGI in the film was amazingly well rendered.
Will Smith and Margot Robbie give their respective characters amazing depth, unseen in the comic books. However the film’s main villain is terribly shallow, losing the lead gained by such well-developed central characters.
Jared Leto’s rendition of The Joker adds a new twist to the half-century-old character, giving the “Clown Prince of Gotham” a flair equal with Heath Ledger’s performance in Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Night” and Jack Nicholson’s performance in “Batman” (1989).
The soundtrack is brilliantly crafted, and mixes older artists such as Creedence Clearwater Revival, with new age hip hop icons including Eminem and Lil’ Wayne. The album follows the themes of family, crime and betrayal, and has several songs written specifically for the movie, as well as a few singles released before the film even premiered, one of the best examples being Twenty One Pilots’ new hit, “Heathens.”
With fans worldwide praising Margot Robbie’s stellar performance, Warner Brothers has announced the filming of a Harley Quinn stand alone film, with a release date yet to be announced.
Overall, “Suicide Squad” is well worth the cost of the ticket. While the film is no masterpiece, the character development in Smith and Robbie’s characters are genuinely fun to watch in action and the soundtrack will leave your hair standing on end. Even though the main plot is terrible, the subplots following the individual characters have vast and almost limitless potential, and are stories you won’t want to miss out on.

Hey there, I’m John Flatt, the video editor for The Eagle's Tale. I play the alto saxophone in the band, I’m an Eagle Scout, and I’m looking forward to spending this year with all my friends here on the newspaper staff. I hope to entertain and...