Homecoming court nominations close Friday, Sept. 25
Graphic Illustration by Jasinia Frausto
Although homecoming king is traditionally announced at the Powder Puff football game, the king will be crowned at the pep rally on Thursday, Oct. 1 at 6:30 p.m. following the cancellation of the game.
September 22, 2020
Homecoming king and queen nominations began Monday, Sept. 21 and will conclude Friday, Sept. 25 at 4 p.m.
Students can nominate up to four senior boys and four senior girls in their grade’s respective Google Classroom. Students who have not joined their grade’s Classroom can join using the following codes: 7teunqb for freshmen, vyrnftr for sophomores, 6grkhoi for juniors and oydpxtm for seniors.
The court will be announced over the announcements Monday and final voting will take place Saturday, Sept. 26-Tuesday, Sept. 29. King and Queen crownings will take place at the pep rally Thursday, Oct. 1 and before the Homecoming football game Friday, Oct. 2, respectively.