Juniors to take ACT on campus Tuesday, Feb. 25
The ACT consists of 215 multiple-choice questions in varying school subjects.
February 21, 2020
Juniors taking the district-provided ACT will test Tuesday, Feb. 25 in the small gym.
Students should arrive at their testing area are no later than 8:15 a.m. Electronic devices are not allowed in the testing area. Students will be released for lunch after the test and must report back on campus for 7th period.
“We will provide two number two pencils, a calculator, a drink and a snack,” testing coordinator Allison Kleman said. “If students bring their own drinks or snacks, they will have to leave them in a bag. Those cannot be in the testing area. They won’t be able to go into their backpacks.”
The ACT contains four sections: English, math, reading and science.
“All students who are interested in attending a four-year university must take either the ACT or the SAT,” Kleman said. “Students always have to option to take it again. It’s a really good way to get a feel for the test, and it’s a good way to know what to study so they can boost their scores. This is the start of getting your ducks in a row for college.”