Activity period changes
Students to attend enrichment classes on Wednesdays
Each teacher has passes for students to go to the school store, Java city, the learning commons and other places around campus.
Beginning Wednesday, Sept. 9, Canyon High School will be on assembly bell schedule every Wednesday.
Students will attend mandatory class-specific activities during activity period. Second period teachers will direct individual students to their assigned classrooms. Seniors and juniors will work on college and career preparedness and ACT/SAT prep, respectively. Sophomores will be trained in mental health aid, and freshmen will participate in drug abstinence programs.
“Wednesday has basically become a new curriculum for our students,” assistant principal Eric Gomez said. “I think this will have really good information. I think this will be really good.”
During the other days of the week, students will only be able to leave their activity period with a pass to prevent sneaking off campus.
“We have a pass system,” Gomez said. “We have a pass for Java City, the vending machine and the learning commons. During activity period, the administrators will be placed in the hallways. All we’re looking for is that students have a pass, so we know where students are going.”

Hey! I'm a senior and this will be my third and sadly final year on staff. I am currently one of the three editors-in-chief and the senior drum major for the band. I'm a true coffee addict who loves all the pups. In the rare situation I'm not on the band...