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The online newspaper of Canyon High School

The Eagle's Tale

The online newspaper of Canyon High School

The Eagle's Tale

The online newspaper of Canyon High School

The Eagle's Tale

Hannah Backus

Hannah Backus, Editor-in-Chief

Hello! My name is Hannah Backus, and I am a senior. This will be my third year on The Eagle's Tale staff and second as Editor-in-Chief, and I am so excited to be serving the students of Canyon High once again. Alongside newspaper, I am co-president of Spanish Club and a part of iConnect. I am also involved in the National Honor Society, the National Hispanic Honor Society and the Quill and Scroll Honor Society. Journalism is something I am very passionate about, and I hope to carry these skills into my future endeavors. Our small staff will be working very hard this school year, so be sure to support us by reading our writing and giving us feedback. Happy reading!

All content by Hannah Backus, Editor-in-Chief