Variety of styles to shine at prom
Senior Avery Baird displays the dress she will wear to prom. Baird plans to major in fashion design at the University of North Texas.
As prom approaches, expect to see a variety of styles this year. Graphic designs, including flowers, abstract and vibrant colors will be a popular aspect to prom 2016.
A graceful edge to these designs will show through from decade to decade with their feminine styles. Craftsmanship and detail will draw attention to every dress in the room. Also, considering the James Bond theme for Canyon High School’s prom, many dresses will have a sleek and elegant effect to them.
With every dress comes the color of your stunning one-night gown. The major colors for this year’s prom will include an assortment ranging from red to black, gold to white, blush tones to pinks, and shades of blue. The color will all depend on the design of the dress and the fitting of the gown.
Mermaid is an endless style seen for prom, but this year, you will see many two-piece dresses incorporated with the mermaid style. The two piece dresses became popular last year and will continue to be in high demand for 2016. Ball gowns will also be a style seen for more simple dresses along with sleek fitting styles.
Yes, some of these dresses will look like grandmother’s curtain or her couch from the ‘70s with their one-of-a-kind designs, but these girls will pull off every style worn on prom night.