Student frustrated by new Twitter trend

Scrolling through Twitter, I experience a series of emotions. My heart melts at the pictures of baby animals, races at pictures of haunted hospitals and laughs at witty comments. Now, I have added a new emotion.


Accounts are being set up by students at this school to more or less cyber bully fellow students anonymously. The owners of the accounts tell followers to send in a question or comment to “” and they will post it for them. Sometimes, the accounts will be nothing but positivity, complimenting certain students on their character and personality. But recently, I have noticed that there are more and more accounts that are everything but positive.

Every tweet contains a curse word or slur and is aimed at a specific person. The account owners claim to be “keeping it classy,” but I am not sure that they know what “classy” means when everything they tweet is so inappropriate and rude. It makes me physically sick to my stomach.

I have been spending a lot of time trying to figure out why these things are being said and why no one is giving any effort to stop them. Cyber bullying is nothing to laugh about. In many cases, lives are lost because of students’ inability to take a step back and question what effect they have on others and what their words are doing.

My biggest fear is hurting someone’s feelings will not convince students to stop doing these things to each other, and we will be heading in a direction that could tear our generation apart.

I encourage students who come across these disturbing accounts to click the report button. This simple action might not have immediate effect, but the people who are attacked will appreciate the support they will get to end this insanity spreading throughout the school.

What students need to realize is that the worst thing they can do or say is nothing. Sitting back and not trying to discontinue the terrorizing of students is just like a silent approval.