General Information
The Eagle’s Tale is produced by the student media team and directed by the newspaper production class of Canyon High School to provide accurate information about news and events relevant to both students and the community. After printing the October 2013 issue of the newspaper, the staff of The Eagle’s Tale decided to go to an online-only format, providing more up-to-date news to our audience and more opportunities for student journalists to develop writing and technology skills needed in today’s changing industry.
Opinions expressed in this forum do not necessarily reflect those of the administration of Canyon Independent School District. Opinions expressed in the unsigned editorials are the views of the news staff as decided in editorial meetings. Personal columns and blogs are the opinions of individual writers and not necessarily those of the staff.
The Eagle’s Tale won Columbia Scholastic Press Association Digital Media Silver Crown Awards in 2015 and 2017. In addition, The Eagle’s Tale was a 2016 National Scholastic Press Association Pacemaker winner and a Pacemaker finalist in 2015 and 2017. It is currently a Pacemaker finalist and awaits results for the winners of this year’s competition.
How do I get involved with Canyon High Journalism?
Students must first complete Journalism 1. Students who perform at an outstanding level in J1 may apply for admission to the staff of advanced journalism courses which include Yearbook Production, Newspaper Production and Digital Design for Multi-Media.
Why does the website look different at home than at school? Why are there some blank areas at school?
Because browsers and screen settings differ, the site may look different on different computers. Blank areas at school likely contain audio and video components that are blocked at school. Please check the site at another location to view the full content.
Corrections and Inquiries
We do our best to catch all of our mistakes; however, The Eagle’s Tale is written and produced by students. We are learning, and will be glad to correct errors we may have missed.
Inquiries about advertising or other information may be directed to Jasinia Frausto at jasinia.frausto@canyonisd.net