Star Wars Battlefront II flies past expectation

Star Wars Battlefront II is available on Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

I walk on a world I once only knew in film. The sky is blue while branches of green hang overhead. Leaves and debris crunch as I walk where the rebellion once thrived. Today the Empire shall stand against this resistance. On this battlefront, the end has come.

Star Wars Battlefront II by developers EA and DICE released for Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC Nov. 17, 2017 and is for sale at a $60 standard price and $80 for the Deluxe Edition. New content for the game was released for free on Dec. 13 with more following this installment.

The predecessor to EA’s 2015 Battlefront has been full of controversy with the public around the world. However, Battlefront II offers Star Wars fans an experience unmatched by many games today.

Battlefront II offers Star Wars fans an experience unmatched by many games today.

— Luke Bruce, 10

The failings of this game can likely be counted on one hand, yet these mistakes left many with a bad taste in their mouth even before the game was launched. The first problem with this game is the use of microtransactions. While paying extra money in games has been a practice for years, Battlefront II had a system in which the game would become a pay-to-win cash cow. After outrage by many, EA removed these microtransactions.

While the microtransactions are a major flaw in the game, Battlefront II has a multitude of positive features going for it, the first of those being the graphics. The game is visually stunning unlike any Star Wars game before. The graphics probe by EA and DICE definitely did something right for this game and the franchise of Star Wars. Whether walking through the forests of Endor, or the city of Theed, players are sure to be impressed by the beauty of the game.

Another positive thing about the game is the addition of new features missed in the original. Battlefront II holds about triple the content compared to the the 2015 Battlefront. This includes triple the maps, and legendary characters to play as like Darth Vader or Han Solo. This multiplication of content makes Battlefront II multiplayer a thousand times better than its predecessor.

Players are sure to be impressed by the beauty of the game.

— Luke Bruce, 10

Multiplayer featuring the assault, heavy, officer and specialist class offer four classes in which to play. Each has unique weapons and abilities to help players defeat the opponent with their own style and play. This class system is a major improvement and adds a huge element to the massive online gameplay. As players progress through each game, they will earn battle points which grant special power ups like starfighters and heroes. The use of battle points and class systems added a whole other spontaneous component to the multiplayer aspect of the game. 

Battlefront II also holds a campaign that follows the life of Iden Versio, an elite stormtrooper, after the destruction of  Death Star II at the end of Return of the Jedi. The campaign’s graphics are magnificent and one should never pass up on the chance to see the sheer remarkable features of the aesthetics. The storyline begins in a very unique way, seeing the side viewers never saw in the movies. Although it takes somewhat of a predictable turn, the campaign takes players into a whole new story that makes it a truly out of this galaxy expedition.

Like any game, Star Wars Battlefront II has some problems. However, those problems do not hold back the adventure available for Star Wars fans. For one who wishes to delve into a familiar land, with more space, lightsabers and little green men, make sure to pick up a copy of Star Wars Battlefront II.