Goss named homecoming king
The homecoming king nominees were Clay Artho, Keaton Goss, Jarrad Gomez and Miles Huffhines. Goss was crowned during the dodgeball tournament Thursday night.
“Here’s your homecoming king, Keaton Goss!” teacher Andrew Neighbors announces as Goss walks out hand in hand with queen nominee Macy McClish during the homecoming pep rally. Nothing can be heard over the drumming and screaming of the band as one of their own wears a crown of royalty.
Senior Keaton Goss was named homecoming king during the powderpuff dodgeball tournament Thursday, Oct. 3. The king’s court included seniors Clay Artho, Jarrad Gomez and Miles Huffhines.
“When my name was called, I kind of stood there for a second and did not know what to do,” Goss said. “I kind of stood there, dumbfounded, and looked around. I honestly did not expect to win, but I was super pumped.”
Goss said he owes his winning to the support of the band.
“I wanted to become homecoming king because people like me don’t normally get to,” Goss said. “It never seemed attainable to me, and I asked a lot of my band friends to vote for me. I think a lot of people thought it would be cool for a band kid to win king, so they voted for me.”
Although the homecoming parade was cancelled, Goss said he made the most of his time while on the homecoming court.
“Being with the other court nominees was a lot different than I expected,” Goss said. “I hadn’t really thought about hanging out with them very much, and getting to do the Hall of Fame ceremony and our coronations for the king and queen was fun, even if we didn’t get to do the parade. I was worried the guys would be mean because I am the odd one out, but they were all nice and supportive, even after I won king.”
Despite the fact he was nervous during the crowning, Goss said he was confident before the court was announced.
“I figured by the amount of people who told me they were going to vote for me, I would make the court,” Goss said. “Although I was nervous before I found out I was king, I was really hyped. My advice to anyone who wants to be homecoming king or queen but doubts themselves, is just to go for it. You are never going to accomplish a goal you don’t strive to complete.”

Howdy! I'm Blake Loria, and I want to pursue a career in journalism, so I am honored to be serving as editor-in-chief for my third and final year on staff. As a senior, I am quite involved around Canyon High, so when I am not editing or practicing for...

Hey! I'm a senior and this will be my third and sadly final year on staff. I am currently one of the three editors-in-chief and the senior drum major for the band. I'm a true coffee addict who loves all the pups. In the rare situation I'm not on the band...