Greetings! My name is Abby Caviness, and this is my first year on staff. My love for journalism was discovered last year when I signed up for the class because it sounded the least boring. I am a member of the Soaring Pride Band as a marimba player and an oboe player during concert season. In addition, I am a member of Key Club, *cough cough* the best club ever, and am always looking forward to the next event. In my free time I like to read, hang out with my friends, and watch movies. I am a Whovian, Potterhead and Starkid. If you also share these interests, I’ll easily be your friend. I am very excited to be writing for the newspaper this year, and I’ll do my best to help make it amazing.
Abby Caviness, Staff Reporter
September 4, 2012
