Sophomore Ari McNeely plays one of the stand tunes at the concert on The Square. “There weren’t very many challenges, but I would have to say keeping a good horn angle," McNeely said. ”[March-A-Thon] was very taxing on the arms, neck and back. I have learned that the Soaring Pride Band is a super close family and they take care of each other. The point where I felt like I was truly a part of the band was when we got hosed down by the fire truck. It was such an emotional time that I feel brought me even closer to the band.”
Soaring Pride Band March-A-Thon 2024
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About the Contributors

Addie McCord, Newspaper
Hieee! I’m Addie and I am a staff reporter for The Eagles Tale, this is your girl’s fourth year on staff. I know crazy, right? Outside of Mrs. Frausto’s classroom, I am heavily involved in theater where I participate in the All-School Musical, One Act Play, and am a current Drama Club officer. The arts have always been a big part of my life and it’s really fun to get to incorporate it into journalism. I love getting to be creative through photography, writing reviews about awesome movies, or making infographics. I hope to have an awesome last year on staff with Mrs. Frausto and to capture and write about all of your high school memories.

Gracyn Gonzales, Yearbook Staff
Heyyyy guysss!!! My name is Gracyn Gonzales, I am a junior this year and this will be my second year on the photography team. I love taking pictures and hanging out with friends. Outside of school, I’m a dancer at Lone Star Ballet and I also work there as a teacher for five to six-year-olds tap, jazz, and ballet. You can always catch me talking about my favorite shows or movies like LA LA LAND!!! I can’t wait to see what this year has in store for everyone and try to capture every moment! But don’t forget “A bit of madness is key to give us new colors to see. Who knows where it will lead us?” – la la land.

Abigail Robinson, Yearbook Staff, Co-Editor
Hello! My name is Abigail, but I also go by Abby. I am one of the co-editors of the yearbook, this will be my second year on the yearbook team and my third year in the journalism program. I’m most involved in the yearbook (obviously), culinary, choir, and ASL. I’m always trying out new recipes for baking and cooking, but my go-to recipe is regular chocolate chip cookies. When I’m not doing one of my main hobbies, you can probably find me reading a book, watching the latest movies, listening to music, or catching up on homework. I’m so excited to have this role on the yearbook team and see everyone from school again!