Juniors to take free ACT April 19
Juniors will take the free, district-administered ACT April 19 at 8:15 in the small gym.
Students will need to bring their IDs for an identification verification process preceding testing, but the school will provide pencils and calculators. Choir students missing the ACT for a competition will make up the test May 3 at the District Support Center.
“I anticipate we’ll be done at 12:30 or as late as 12:45, but we’ll give students a full lunch break,” counselor Chris Fant said. “If everything goes great, we might be in class sixth period and by the latest, seventh period.”
The district omitted the optional writing portion. Students requiring the writing portion for college applications will need to retake the ACT on a national testing day.
“We feel like we’re trying to push preparedness for college a lot more,” Fant said. “You have to have an ACT or SAT score for universities, so this makes it a lot more accessible to students not only to have it for free but to have it during the school day.”
Students will fill out basic information on their answer documents April 6 during their English classes.
“I recommend some preparation,” Fant said. “We have some resources on our website, and it really helps you do better on the test if you spend at least a little time becoming familiar with it before taking it.”

Hello! My name is Lauren and I am a junior. This is my second year on the Eagle’s Tale staff, I am the new co-editor of Key Club, and a member of Chamber choir. I am invested in the arts, and spend my free time listening to K-pop and drawing. I hope...

Hi there! I am a senior, and this is my third year on staff and second as editor-in-chief. I am choir president and a member of the varsity and show choirs, and in theater, I participate in musical and the One-Act Play competition. I am a self-proclaimed...