Hailey Howard
“I freelance for a music magazine,” junior Hailey Howard said. “I was looking on Instagram, and followed a magazine, the Melodic Magazine, they were looking for writers. I want to be in the music industry as a tour manager or something along those lines, and at 15 or 16 years old, you can’t really do that. So I was thinking about, what else could I do now to kind of get my foot in the door. I never really wrote before, then as a joke, I wrote an album review.”
About the Contributor

Alexis Martinez, Newspaper, Head-Editor
Hey there! I am Alexis Martinez and this is my final year on staff, and I’m really excited for what the future holds for the program as well as myself. I’m proud to say I will be the head editor this year for the Eagle’s Tale newspaper. Some things...