The results of Tuesday’s election left many irritated and caused several outbursts about the alleged incompetence and idiocracy of President Obama. Pledges to move to Canada, secede from the union, pursue impeachment and predictions of a civil war have left the mouths of several adults and students.
No matter who it is or whether you disagree or not, we should respect our country’s leader. I can assure everyone that if we, as a country, survived Carter and Nixon then we can definitely survive another four years of President Obama. I do not deny that things will be difficult and that economic collapse is a current threat, but if we reamain divided as a country, then there is nothing that we or anyone else including the president can do about it. If we want President Obama to change his policies and take different actions with our economy, then we need to band together and call for it. The arguments that Romney would be better are now irrelevant. Romney is not president; everyone needs to accept that. Now is the time to acknowledge President Obama as our president for the next four years. He is the one we need to look to lead our country to success. If he needs to make a change or do something that currently he is not, then someone needs to demand it from him. We can make a difference. This is OUR country and if we want something done to save it, then we need to do it ourselves.
We can only succeed when we stand together. If we want a democratic society, we need to demand that our voices are heard no matter who the president is. When other countries look at us, they should not see a country where the people rebel and disrespect their leader simply because these countries will consider it to be a weakness. The more we separate ourselves from our government in terms of loyalty, the less strength we have and the more vulnerable we are to attacks from foreign threats. The saying “united we stand, divided we fall” is something that every American needs to have at the front of their minds. If we want our nation to withstand against our current struggles, then this is a crucial time to stick together and work to reform our government, not go against it.
If you make claims to leave the country, then you should be ashamed of your unpatriotic and ignorant view towards our country. Threatening to leave will not help anyone or anything, especially since the majority of people say they will move to other countries that are more socialist or corrupt than America is. Complaints are nothing. If you call for change, then do something about it. If you are angry about how this election turned out and think it was corrupt, then do something to change American elections. If you want our kids and grandchildren to live in a better America, then I challenge you to come up with a way to make it so. The future is up to you and anyone else willing to make a change. Stop complaining and do something.