Key Club to host blood drive Feb.19, 20
Coffee Memorial Blood Center will be on campus Feb. 19 and 20 to collect blood from students at the spring blood drive. Students can sign up to donate in Lance Culbert’s classroom.
The blood drive will run until 5:00 p.m. instead of 3:45 to accommodate all students and adults who want to donate. Students who donate must weigh at least 115 pounds and meet the height/weight ratio requirements. Also, 16-year-old students will need parent permission to donate blood. Kids Inc. will sponsor a blood donor competition offering $2000 to the school with the most donations.
“We’re in a contest during the month of February,” Key Club sponsor Lance Culbert said. “You can designate your donation to count for a specific school. Everyone gets a t-shirt. Also, they’re going to do a tree of life, where you can designate your donation to be in honor of Mrs. Tucker’s husband.”
Chuck Tucker, husband of health sciences teacher Paige Tucker, was seriously injured in a traffic accident earlier in the month and required a great deal of blood from the blood bank.
Students who want to donate need to sign up with Culbert in room 1306 for a time and to obtain paperwork.

Hello! My name is Tasha Brown. This is my second year on the newspaper staff and first year as Editor-in-Chief. I’m a senior at Canyon High. I’m a member of the National Honor Society, American Sign Language Honors Society and the Quill and Scroll...
Jamie DeVriend • Feb 16, 2014 at 1:40 pm
Good luck on the upcoming blood drive! So many lives can be saved if enough people help by donating blood. I remember reading that a pint can save up to three lives!