Members of the regional UIL championship journalism team include Kori Adair, Cortlyn Dees, Coach Laura Smith, Jayden Beatty and Rachel Smith.
The UIL academic team competed at the Region 1-4A Meet in Abilene, April 20. The journalism team won its first regional championship since Canyon’s move to 4A. Seven students placed and three will advance to the State UIL Academic Meet in Austin May 20-22.
The following students earned honors in their respective events when they competed at Hardin-Simmons University. * Denotes advancement to the State UL Academic Meet in May in Austin.
News Writing- *1st Rachel Smith
Editorial Writing- *1st Kori Adair, *3rd Jayden Beatty, 6th Cortlyn Dees
Number Sense- 5th Trevor Ferril
Prose Interpretation- 6th Kendall Tipton
Extemporaneous Speaking Persuasive- 5th Bella Barnett