Every driver in the state of Texas will be forced to follow new traffic laws put into effect Sept. 1.
Cell phone use is one of the new restrictions. HB 55 now mandates that use of a wireless communication device is prohibited in all school zones for all drivers. HB 2730 and HB 339 restrict drivers under age 18 from using a wireless communication device anywhere while operating a motor vehicle.
Driving in a school zone while using a cell phone can result in up to a $500 fine as a class C misdemeanor. Cities and counties can choose for themselves whether or not they want to enforce the laws by posting signs in their school zones.
School liaison officer Cody Jones said that without signs police will not enforce the new law.
“The use of signs is still being debated in city council,” Jones said.
Junior Taylor Patton said she sends almost 15,000 texts a month and is on her phone 50 percent of the time behind the wheel.
“I text every day,” Patton said. “Emergencies can happen, so sometimes I have to use my phone.”
According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, two-thirds of 2,500 adults admitted to talking on a cell phone while driving, and one-fifth said they read or send a text or email. The survey results were released in July.
Canyon High School drivers pass through a school zone on 23rd Street in front of Reeves-Hinger Elementary School. Even if signs are not posted, Jones said drivers should exercise caution.
“Everyone should always pay more attention to school zones,” Jones said. ”It’s important to be educated and be careful.”
The Red Shadow • Oct 2, 2009 at 3:41 pm
Class C? Try taking it up a couple of notches, and I’d say we have a fair deal. $500 doesn’t make up for the danger people pose by being unfocused while driving in a school zone. $500 ain’t gonna cover the results of their lack of concentration. Cars are half- to two-ton machines that can do severe damage to the human body when improperly used. No amount of money could ever restitute the effects should the worst happen.