Festival de Lenguas 2025
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About the Contributors

Bentley Cromeens, Videographer
Hi! My name is Bentley Cromeens and I film videos for our website as well as the social media page with my partner in crime, Tyler Jackson. This is my first year on staff, and I love the art of filming and editing videos. The journalism program has made such an impact on my life and I am so blessed to have the opportunity to participate in this program. Outside of journalism, I tend to stay busy. I am graduating high school early, so when I am not drowning in homework, I love to hang out with my friends and family. My other hobbies include painting, drawing, and reading.

Tyler Jackson, Videographer
Hi, my name is Tyler Jackson. Me and my partner, Bentley Cromeens, make videos for the school website and social media platforms. I enjoy editing and constructing videos all while I get to meet new people and explore the sides of school I don’t usually get to see. As a junior, this is my first year on staff, and am looking forward to the new opportunities this year. Outside of journalism, I like to play golf, hang out with my friends and family, and go to church.