“I work at Texas Rose as a host,” senior Reegan Garcia said. “When the church folks come in on Sunday it’s always interesting. We have had a few sad families come in to eat after their dad died. I gave them a few free things because seeing a person so close to you die, it’s hard to go through. My grandma passed away in August of 2021. When I came into freshman year I missed a few days and a lot of football practice because of the grief. My grandma used to live down the street from us. When she got Alzheimers, we had to start staying with her a lot more. That would mean our family would rotate through to help her out. I’d stay [at her house] a little more often than most because I liked being able to get away from technology. Obviously, as an old-timer, she didn’t enjoy all the technology. Instead, we’d sit there watch her shows and talk about life. Before she got diagnosed, our relationship was really close. Our family always got together at big or small events and we’d always take her out to eat. When I helped out the family at Texas Rose, I remember my family was there for me [in my grief], so if I can be there for them then that’s the way to go.”
Reegan Garcia
Junior Reegan Garcia cheers at Boss Bowl game. “When I helped out the family at Texas Rose, I remember my family was there for me, so if I can be there for them then that’s the way to go.”
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About the Contributors

Addie McCord, Newspaper
Hieee! I’m Addie and I am a staff reporter for The Eagles Tale, this is your girl’s fourth year on staff. I know crazy, right? Outside of Mrs. Frausto’s classroom, I am heavily involved in theater where I participate in the All-School Musical, One Act Play, and am a current Drama Club officer. The arts have always been a big part of my life and it’s really fun to get to incorporate it into journalism. I love getting to be creative through photography, writing reviews about awesome movies, or making infographics. I hope to have an awesome last year on staff with Mrs. Frausto and to capture and write about all of your high school memories.

Sean Buck, Editor-in-Chief
Hey y’all, I’m Sean. I’m a senior here on campus and this will be my 4th year to be a part of the journalism department and 3rd year on Eagle’s Tale Staff. I’m very passionate about newspaper and what is published as I see all the work that goes into each story from start to finish. A few things to know about me is I love to watch Grey’s Anatomy and spend time with my family and friends. Arguably, I am one of the biggest Swifties here at Canyon High School but that is just my opinion. Well, that’s enough about me, I hope you enjoy our content.