Homecoming parade, game details set
Homecoming mums and garters are for sale in The Eagles’ Nest this week.
Students will end homecoming week with the parade and powder puff game Sept. 22 and the football game Sept. 23.
The parade will begin at 5:30 p.m. Thursday at the Church of Christ and end at Canyon High School, where the powder puff game will begin at 7 p.m. The sophomore and senior girls will face the freshman and junior girls, and the homecoming king will be crowned at halftime of the game. Senior Sarah Nease said she is looking forward to playing in the game.
“I am really glad I signed up for powder puff because it is a one of a kind experience, and I am excited to be involved in homecoming week,” Nease said. “I love when the whole school is involved throughout the week, whether it is dress up days, powder puff or just showing up to the game.”
Seniors Dayne Douglass and Dakota Puga will coach the senior and sophomore team. Douglass said he expects a successful game.
“Dakota and I thought it would be a good idea if we became the coaches and took this powder puff team to state,” Douglass said. “We have practiced only one time but we have so many great players and great plays we will easily dominate the field.”
Douglass and the rest of the varsity football team will also take the field 7 p.m. Friday after the homecoming queen is crowned at 6:30. Junior cheerleader Braelly Jones said she is excited to find out who will be crowned king and queen.
“It is a bunch of really good-hearted and spirited people,” Jones said. “Any of them would be great people to win.”
Along with cheering at the football game, Jones will also participate with the cheerleaders in the parade, watch the powder puff game, and sing the National Anthem with the choir before the football game. Jones said she loves every aspect of homecoming week.
“I hope a lot of people get involved in the rest of spirit week,” Jones said. “It makes it so much more fun.”

Hey! My name is Callie Boren, and I am Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Eagle’s Tale. This is my third and final year on staff. I am also the National Honor Society president, senior class president, an officer in the Chamber Choir, and a member of the UIL...