Class officers plan Feb. 8 Sadie Hawkins dance
Winter social theme inspired by cartoon character
The junior student council will host a Sadie Hawkins dance on Feb. 8 from 8 to 11 p.m. in the small gym.
Students will pay $5 to enter the dance. The class with the highest attendance will select a charity to donate the proceeds. Students will need to bring extra money to purchase snacks from the concession stand. Class favorites, Mr. CHS and Miss CHS will be announced at the dance. The Sadie Hawkins dance originated from a comic strip by Al Capp in 1937.
“She (Sadie Hawkins) was kind of homely,” junior publist Makayla Barrientos said. “She couldn’t get a date for anything. Her dad got all the bachelors together.”
The bachelors were lined up, given a warning shot, and ran. Sadie Hawkins raced behind and caught one of the men. He became her husband. The dance came later, where the girls wore boots and stamped the feet of the men before the run to slow them down the next day. Barrientos said that they thought of the idea at the first of the year.
“We weren’t really sure if that’s what we wanted to do,” Barrientos said. “We talked to some of the other class officers. They all liked the idea of us doing something different.”
This is the first year that all of the class officers from each grade has pitched in to help with a dance.
“It’s nice because you get a lot of different opinions and ideas,” Barrientos said. “We’re hoping it’ll be (a good turnout) because it is different. Some guys won’t ask the girls. A lot of girls are willing to ask guys.”
The dance is also going to be a sock hop because students can’t wear shoes on the gym floor.
“We thought it would be fun and different,” junior school council member Lauren Tidmore said. “Canyon needs a little school spirit. We thought it would get more numbers to the dance if we did something different.”
Tidmore said that usually 150 to 200 people attend. She’s hoping around 200 to 300 people show up.
“We could have more but it’s a good turnout,” Tidmore said. “It’s still worth it to have them.”
The student council is planning on coming mid-morning on the day of the dance to decorate.
“It’s a lot more than what people think goes into it,” Barrientos said. “We all try to pitch in and do our part. We stay afterword. The more the merrier when it comes to cleaning and decorating.”
DJ Gemini, who played at the last dance, will be at the dance and will take requests. Barrientos said there will be Christmas lights and a jukebox at the dance.
“In the Sadie Hawkins song, it does say that the guy wears khakis and a sweater,” Tidmore said. “It would be pretty cool if the guys wore that. It’s going to be a blast.”

Hello! My name is Tasha Brown. This is my second year on the newspaper staff and first year as Editor-in-Chief. I’m a senior at Canyon High. I’m a member of the National Honor Society, American Sign Language Honors Society and the Quill and Scroll...

My name is Tristen Hefner and this will be third and final year on staff. I act as the video editor for the online newspaper. My favorite thing to do is play baseball, which I do over the summer, and when spring rolls around, I play for CHS. I have a...