Robotics team competes at state meet

Maisie Dyer

Andrew Walsh operates robot at practice course during Electives Fair.

The CHS robotics team took 13th place out of 60 teams at the BEST robotics competition  Nov. 9 at the University of Texas in Dallas.

Advisor Bill Troyer said the team was chosen for a wildcard round where they and another seven teams were judged on the quality of their notebooks. The team placed in the top two and advanced to the semifinals.

“We got all kinds of new ideas for next year,” said Troyer. “We need to keep doing well with our notebook since it got us in the wildcard round.”

Sophomore Jade Roach said they ran into a few problems such as the robot almost being too heavy.

“Our robot weighed 24 pounds even, which was the maximum weight allowance,” said Roach. “It technically weighed 24.2 pounds, but we decreased the weight when we took off a few decorations.”

The course for the robot differed from the one they were used to in Lubbock.

“The hook the hangers hung on moved in Dallas,” Roach said. “They were supposed to in Lubbock but didn’t.