Seth and Sarah Nease dress up for church parties as Mr. Rogers and a Zumba instructor on the left and The Joker and Poison Ivy on the right.

Born buddies

Brother, sister duo become best friends

“You are so lucky to have a little brother who gives you hugs.”

“It is so weird that y’all are so close.”

Other siblings might not call each other “homie” and say “I love you” in the hallways, but for Seth and me, it is completely normal.

When we were younger, we used to fight a lot because of our small age gap, 23 months to be exact, and just the fact we are siblings. As we grew older, my mom always told us we were a team, and we have to have each other’s backs no matter what. Being in high school made us realize how important it is to have that relationship.

We have always been friends, but being in the same environment helped us become best friends. Every Sunday at youth, every fun event, riding to and from school together and having our regular Christian Rap jam sessions helps grow our bond. Although I used to hate when Seth gave me hugs, I have grown to like them over time, and I know I will miss him and his hugs when I go to college.

Every time we hang out, the thought crosses my mind that soon I will not be able to just walk into his room and talk to him at any time. I have grown to cherish those moments with him as senior year flies by. Ever since I was little, we have grown together, side by side. Soon, I will have to grow without him in my life every day.

The biggest change about us being in the same school is we share some of the same friends. He likes to call them “homies” because that is just his personality. We know the same people and share the same funny stories and inside jokes. We even share some of the same teachers.

Until high school, Seth was known to me as my annoying little brother. Now, he is my best friend.

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